My Plastic Surgery Experience in South Korea: Day 4 Banobagi Facial Contouring and Rhinoplasty Post Surgery: Suddenly deswelling, facial numbness after facial contouring explained!
From my photo before, you can clearly see my chin is leaning towards the left. Dr. Oh promised to fix it for me! Right now my chin is still bandaged, so I can't tell the difference yet. Hope to update everyone soon ^^
I slept really well and woke up late today! I think being able to breathe through your nose is really important. I usually set the air conditioning to quite high so that my nose won't run and block my breathing. As you can tell from the photo, my undereye area looks more bruised and yellow today. But compared to my before photo, my chin doesn't look like it's going to one side right? ^^ Deapite the swelling, I'm seeing small changes. It's still too early to judge though!
Here are some more pictures of how I looked today:
My eyes are swollen and more bruised, but compared to day 2 it's not so bad. I think it looks a lot better.
Tried to take this picture at a 45 degree angle! My face is as puffy as a baby’s. I'm really curious as to what my new nose will look like. I'm sure Dr. Lee did a great job.
I can't help but feel that my side profile looks so different already?! I’ll definitely do a comparison photo after my nose splint is removed. If you showed me this side profile randomly, I wouldn't think that it was me. I'm excited to see how it looks!
Facial Numbness
I suddenly experienced facial numbness last night and woke up hoping it would have gone away. Instead, there was more numbness around my eyebrow area! By the afternoon I felt like I had already gotten used to it though. It's a bit unpleasant but I don’t often find myself thinking about it.
I managed to get some reading done on why facial numbness occurs, how common it is and the recovery time:
Facial numbness is usually caused by trauma to the nerves running through the jaws. Surgeons take care to protect large nerves, such as the trigeminal nerve, from damage. However, smaller nerves branching off may be bruised or cut, leading to the loss of sensation. Facial muscles usually aren’t affected, as I happily found out. So I can still speak properly and gargle without making too much mess ^^
I didn't manage to get a lot of walking done today because I felt really nauseous and dizzy when I stand up for too long. I think it may be because I'm not eating enough, so I rested a bit more today. Hopefully tomorrow I can walk more for deswelling. Everyone in the guesthouse is so hardworking and walk around a lot. It's so inspiring!
I'm glad that I'm no longer at the peak of my swelling. I heal pretty normally, neither fast or slow so I hope this helps everyone prepare for their own surgery recovery.