
Day 44 Post-Surgery: Banobagi Clinic- Facial Contouring and Rhinoplasty


My Plastic Surgery Experience in South Korea with Banobagi Clinic!
Day 44 Post-Surgery
Link to day 1: Here

Hey everyone~ I got a dog! Haha I took a lot of photos with her, so I’ll scatter them throughout my post. Recently I've been doing my mouth exercises but I feel that it will be some time before it shows major improvement. I've been sleeping late for the past week so my facial swelling gets a bit worse in the morning but looks fine by afternoon/evening.
I took this in the morning:
And this is in the afternoon:
There isn't that much difference but my  cheeks are slightly less puffy ^^ I’m excited to de-swell more~ have to do my ice pack massage and face binding!

I know that I mention my nose specifically at least once in every blog post, but I honestly love it! I've heard from others that they can't get used to Korean rhinoplasty because the tip is super stiff. While my tip is harder than before, it feels and looks pretty normal. I’m really used to it and sometimes completely forget that I have had the surgery done. Aesthetically, it really fits my face to the point where my friends don't notice that I have had surgery done. This is a good thing for me ^^ My nose looks natural in photos and helps to make my side profile more elegant!
Recently I chatted to a friend who said that a lot of my classmates read these surgery blogposts. I’m really happy! I've had a very good experience at Banobagi and I hope that sharing my story can help everyone. Going to a foreign country to have surgery may sound scary, but I was very well taken care of by Banobagi clinic staff and didn't have any worries at all. I was able to recover well ^^ thank you to everyone for the encouragement.

Showing my face from different angles fearlessly ^^ Who is cuter, me or my dog? Haha I know the answer already~ Before surgery, people taking high quality photos of me on DSLR really frightened me. It was like being confronted with all of my undeniable flaws. Yes, I had a huge complex about my asymmetrical jaw! I need to praise Dr. Oh for my genioplasty. It has honestly made such a difference to my face!!

Today… I truly learnt the importance of a good chin! Personally, I went into my facial contouring consultation with Dr. Oh thinking only about correcting my asymmetrical jaw. However, Dr. Oh considered my facial structure as a whole, looking beyond my biggest flaw and pointed out that my face would still be unbalanced if I only did my jaw. I'm so glad I listened to him!! Dr. Oh has probably seen many patients like me with similar problems, he knew the solution straight away ^^ a true professional.

I want to take more photos next week~ hopefully it's sunny. I like taking photos more and more, because it's so easy and I don't need to filter or edit anything ^^ Look out for my post!

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