My Plastic Surgery Experience in South Korea: Day 15 Banobagi Facial Contouring and Rhinoplasty Post-Surgery: Before and After selfies, Final Internal Mouth Stitch Removal, Final Checkup with Dr. Oh and Dr. Lee, CT Scans!
Day 15 Post Surgery
I feel like after Day 11, I suddenly deswelled a lot more quickly! My nose bridge rapidly became more natural after the stitch removal. I'm really happy about it. From day 12-15, I would say my biggest improvement was my nose. I'm still putting on the face band diligently every day for at least 1 hour to prevent sagging and tighten my skin, but I have a lot of cheek fat. I've been going out every day like normal, I feel like I've recovered well and can do everything already. I even started sending pictures to my friends, since I look more and more natural everyday!
I feel that my side view has honestly improved a lot! A higher nose bridge and sharper jawline has seriously helped to improve my profile view. I feel like I give off a more feminine image compared to my previous sharp and angular jawline.
From my previous photo, you can see my chubby cheeks from a 45 degree angle shot! Even with swelling, it's not as obvious now after surgery. I really love my new jawline!
On the day of my final checkup and stitch removal, I had an amazing facial massage to help with deswelling. I felt so relaxed that I didn't worry about stitch removal anymore~ A cool and soothing mask was placed on my face. I feel like it was taking away my swelling immediately!
Stitch removal!
I had my final stitch removal and final checkup on Day 14. Both Dr. Lee and Dr. Oh were busy performing operations so I had my stitch removal first. The stitches left were inside my mouth and some inside my nose. By day 14 I was really relieved to have the stitches taken out because I felt like there was a mess of wires inside my mouth! I was told that this is normal and part of the healing process, as self-dissolving stitches are pushed out of the body naturally and dissolved. I've heard that some people wait for them to drop out over a month, but I was so happy to have them taken out by an experienced nurse from Banobagi. I would really recommend staying two weeks after surgery so all the stitches can be removed.
Devon warned me that the stitches inside my mouth would be painful to remove. I'm not surprised because I had stitches along my left and right cheek, on the top of both sides of my gum and at the bottom. There were quite a few to remove but I felt mentally prepared. Devon was super cute and held my hand throughout the experience, she even said I could squeeze her hand if it was painful. She's so nice and caring 😭
The nurse checked my mouth and Devon told me that she said my mouth condition was very good because I gargled well! I was really happy to hear that, as I took a lot of care with brushing my teeth and gargling everyday. It would really be troublesome to have to go to a dentist when I can’t open my mouth properly.
The pain… wasn't that bad! I once cried from a paper cut, but I didn't cry at all from stitch removal. Okay; maybe one or two tears leaked out but because the removal was quick, the pain was bearable. The most painful part was probably the stitch removal from my gums, as the nurse said they were a bit swollen.
I would rate the pain about a 7/10, but it was over in a short time! It's barely worth mentioning the last of my nose stitches removal, as it was over in 1 second. The nurse and Devon were praising my pain tolerance but honestly I’m really bad with pain. So if I can handle it, anyone can.
Final consultations with Dr. Lee and Dr. Oh
This was really funny De. Lee came into the room just as I had just finished having my stitches out! He told me that he couldn't possibly have made a better nose for me and looked satisfied. I was super happy to hear that! It's always good to know that your surgeon has done his best for you and I am in love with my nose.
Dr. Oh was really busy so I had time for CT scans and to browse all of the magazines. I was talking to Devon and the radiologist about the male transformations Banobagi has done because they are amazing?!?! Look at these before and afters:

This guy seriously transformed into a K-pop star!! He's so handsome.
Devon helped me take a photo with him. I'm like his fan now 😂
My consultation with Dr. Oh went really well! He said that my looks had improved a lot and he called me beautiful 😳😳😳 I've become his fan now as well 😌
He let me have a look at the CT scans and I was seriously impressed with his work! His techniques are magical. From a severely asymmetrical face, I've now been blessed with a proportional and small face!
I’ll reveal my CT scans to everyone!
So many things are going on in this photo:
My protruding zygoma has been reduced and pinned in place expertly. The left and right side looks identical and holding together well.
My chin has the obvious screws as it was lengthened using my own jaw bone. The chin looks cute and proportionate!
My jaw is so much more in proportion. In the left photo, the right side of my jaw is clearly bigger than my left side. In the right photo, it's so much better! Due to the low placement of my nerve, Dr. Oh had to cut quite conservatively but from the scans, he has honestly done the most amazing job. I couldn't be more pleased!
This is the underside of my skull! The photo on the left shows how my chin was leaning towards one side quite obviously. Dr. Oh drew on the screen to show how he has brought my chin closer to the midline of my skull. His skills are really impressive.
Woah my jaw angle!! My previous square and boxy jaw is gone, replaced by a sharper and more feminine jawline. The photo also shows how my chin has been brought forward to create a more proportional face. My zygoma from the side is also much smaller.
I really can't thank Dr. Lee and Dr. Oh enough. I'm so happy with my results. From my CT scans, I can really confirm that they did an amazing job on me and I couldn't ask for anything more. My previous recovery blogs may have sounded tough, but with these results I can say that it was 100% worth it!
I asked Dr. Oh a few questions:
- Will my sagging be very bad?
He responded that because I was still young, there is a good chance that my skin won't sag very much as long as I maintain a good diet and exercise. He also recommended losing weight to prevent sagging.
- Will my face line become smoother?
My mother keeps commenting that because of my cheeks, my face doesn't have a smooth line down to my chin. Dr. Oh said that because of the swelling, my face isn't completely smooth yet. In a few months, it will be better.
- When will the facial numbness go away?
He said that it should be better after about 2-3 months.
I really appreciate both doctors looking after me so well and taking the time to answer my questions in a way that I understand. I'm also super grateful for Devon’s care during my stay with Banobagi, from staying with me until I woke up from general anesthesia to being with me for stitch removals and consultations. She is the best! I have had the best surgery and aftercare experience and I couldn't ask for more. I'll be leaving to go back to uni next week, so I’ll continue my recovery journey from there ^^