My Plastic Surgery Experience in South Korea: Day 31 Banobagi Facial Contouring and Rhinoplasty Surgery Review: All of the selfies ^^ Feeling confident~
Day 31 Post-Surgery
It's officially been exactly a month post-surgery! Since my first day after surgery, I always wondered what I would look like 1 month after surgery, 2 months after or even a year after. I'm happy to report that I love my results so far! I feel like surgery has given me so much more confidence than before and I feel encouraged to style my hair differently and dress more boldly!
My boyfriend tried to take photos of me but I wasn't looking properly TT I still think it looks okay though? We’ll try again next time ^^
It's so much easier to take side profile pictures now! I feel like I can experiment more with other angles ^^ I’ll report back with my results in the future. The nose that Dr. Lee gave me looks so nice in photos! I feel like it suits my face perfectly. Harmony is important ^^
After surgery, even old poses have a fresh feel~ These days, nothing much has changed except I have started my mouth exercises! This is to help my jaw return to normal- right now, I can still only fit one finger’s width into my mouth >< I also feel that my mouth tightens up if I don't eat or say anything for a while. So I’ll do my best with these exercises! Once I'm more experienced, I’ll post photos to show how I do them.
My pictures in this post have been full of red because it's Chinese New Year soon! Here's a photo comparison of me at a dinner party with my friends last year VS me now! Looking back at the me of the past with my severe facial asymmetry and short, pug-like nose, I feel even more glad that I went to Banobagi clinic. Hopefully, this year’s Chinese New Year photos will be even nicer and I can feel confident looking at them for years to come. 
Wow, your result looks great! Glad you’re happy with the result.